Parent Seed Group

Ghilgai Parent Seed Group – they’re the people who plant seeds in our community and those seeds germinate and grow and eventually the flowers bloom… and Ghilgai is a richer, more beautiful place because of their activity.

Fundraising is a major focus for Seed…and there are many things in our environment that have been seeded by this group – the mosaic of 2017, building blocks in Founders, goal rings on the oval… and Seed helped Directors fund our green oval… and the piano in Wahroongah…

Autumn Market and Open Day are focal points in our school year – Seed organizes and facilitates these festive days which strengthen our School Community.

And then there are the tiny seeds of goodwill that Seed Group spread around our school – in everyday conversations – via activities like cooking, or a musical evening, a bush dance, a picnic…

The Parent Seed Group is a School Committee formally recognized by the Board of Directors. It is accountable to the College Executive. It is bound by the Seed Group Handbook. It fosters the ethos of Ghilgai School, it seeds community-building activities social and cultural activities, and raises funds for targeted projects.

Seed Group Structure Parent Seed Group recommends new members. Class Teacher/College of Teachers Executive nominate new members. Parents self nominate.

Parent participation in Seed Activities

-As a class representative – a Seed Group Member.

-As a supportive participant at Open Seed Group Meetings – where the planning of Community events and activities take place.

-As an auxiliary member, contributing to Seed Group via a Working Group set up for a designated task.

-As a “supportive worker” for an activity/event – preparatory work, set up/take down, contributing on the day in a specific way.

Seed Group is often the driving force behind activities, however, each and every family is what makes the magic happen.  We encourage you to become involved where you think you can help.